Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fashion and grooming habits from the 1800s

Think you've got it rough as a girl in the 21st century? 

Hate having to wax, shave and workout to get that perfect bod? Well, all those things may suck but you've got it easy compared to your sisters of the 1800s. Read on for some facts that'll have you thanking your lucky stars that you're a chick of the new age.

You may not be super stoked about heading to the drug store to sift through the millions of skin-care products to find that perfect concoction for you skin but it's sure a lot less work than what women in the 1800s had to do. Women back then would have to cut a hole in a lemon, fill it up with candy and then close it over with a leaf of gold. They would proceed to roast the lemon in hot ashes. Once it was the desired heat, they would squeeze the lemon's juice out of the pre-cut hole and then apply it to their faces. The juice was supposed to cleanse the skin and leave their complexion looking brighter. Sounds like too much work for us! Another skin regiment had women applying tree sap to their faces to make the skin look clear and rosy. Still upset about your skin-care situation?

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